Sorry, my page is deleted !
This Page is only for Fuss-Pot's Suggestion, that want to build her own unique PlayStation 2 Accessories !
Because, practicable is (nearly) everything !!!
Diese Seite in Deutsch ( Bitte Klicken )
From this side, You can arrive to my various projects !
( Please klick on the Photos )
Please to apologize, there are not all Page's, translated finish to English jet ! ( But I'm work on it. )
My modified Logitech GT Force, for the " PlayStation 2 " with a JOM Sport Wheel .
In this simple black box, are the Push-Buttons now .
With this additional plugs, I can add my Selfe-made / modified accessories .
The Adapter, to mount other Wheel's on my Logitech GT-Force .
My modified Logitech GT Force Wheel , for the " Playstation 2 " with a Momo Racing Wheel modell 12/c
A verry good seqential Gear Shifter . Easy to add on every Steering Wheel
My Servo-controlled H - Shifter With this item , I can change gears, direct to any wished Gear with one touch ( Such as a authentic Car ! )
My modified accelerator / brake pedal, from a real Car , to use with my modified Logitech GT-Force Wheel
My Race Car Simulator
Tuning with precision Pot's / Force Feedback Motor ...
The electric wiring plan , from the Logitech GT-Force Wheel , for the Playstation-2
The "slightly" improved Logitech MOMO Force Wheel
( USB PC Version )A list of my favored Link's !
My NTSC GT3 Garage extracted by Record - Replay's
(Every Car / Setup is in the identic condition than the time by making the Record )
Filled with the "probably" fastest Cars of the World !
Here You can download my best GT3 Hybrid - Cars for NTSC and PAL Version
If You like my Page, please visited my Guest Book !
Thank You.
So long
If You insert a Link, to my Page, You can add this Banner too. ( If You like ! )
Every minimalst accessories-modify that connect with the Playstation ,
to kills the warranty from Playstation and the accessories !!!
Selfe made / Modify, is only for people with the Technical / Electrical knowedge !
Other people, without this knowedge, can only to commission a practitioner to do this conversions .
Haftungsausschluss !
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