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I beg Your pardon this side is not finisch jet !


Every minimalst accessories-modify that connect with the Playstation ,

to kills the warranty from Playstation and the accessories !!!

Selfe made / Modify, is only for people with the Technical / Electrical knowedge !

Other people, without this knowedge, can only to commission a practitioner to do this conversions .


The accuracy of all statemennt's are without engagement  !


My modified accelerator / brake pedal, from a real Car , ( Fiat Uno ) to use with my modified Logitech GT-Force .

1) The Original stock Logitech 47K Ohm Potentiometer . Bevore to agglutinate, I have to coated the Pot-axes with heat shrinkable tubing, therewith I can cange the Pot's every time .

2) One additional mounted Roll, cange the motion ca. 1 : 2  to the Pot . 

3) A pull rope is with a lever connected,  to transfer the rotation to the Roll. 

4) To Pot adjustment , I have mounted simple insulating screw joint's on a rail to relocatable .


I think, much more realistic, isnt practicable !!!


Connection diagram /  pin assignment Logitech GT Force Pedal unit .  ( The Pots in this drawing are inserted only for example !  ( The original Potentiometer are blue )



By the Way,

Just for Fun, I'm to try out, to connect two Sprctrol Pots Model 249 with the original stock Pedal unit from the Logitech GT Force.

Intrinsically,  I'm to want little problems out of this rebuld. The Spectrol Pots dont have the identic Resistance-Value, than the original stock Potentiometers.

But after the Pots change, to follow no electrical problems !

Only the rotary range should be to re-adjust. ( With a cogwheel - transmission )

Unhappily, ther isnt much space to add a solid cogwheel - transmission in the Pedal unit.

I'm think, a simply way to realize this, is to add a external box .

In this box, are the Pots and the transmission, to access by a bowden cable .


In my opinion,

Please dont to want a big improvement factor out of this rebuild !!! ( If the original Logitech Potentiometers not defect , ther isnt a palpable betterment in the drive-style. )

Sorry for my bat English.

So long


My values from the Logitech GT Force Wheel Potentiometers, in mechanical end / center positions of the Wheel / Pedal unit . ( The Values can be a little different, from Wheel to Wheel )




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